June 27, 2009

summertime jammin'

to set the stage, myself and this little hoodlum below aka jennifer (my adventurous hilarious and fabulous bff) have a rather large list of things to do this summer and so i find it fitting that we started off with a personal favorite of mine... berry picking! of course we all know that picking vegetables or fruits is much more fun when you do it at a community barn/farm rather than your dads own gigantic garden that everyone gawks over mostly because someone didnt tell you to "go pick those damn berries before they all get mushy!" so with that said we went on a little outting to avila valley barn to pick some olillaberrys!
we picked a bunch then realized that for about a dollar more we could grab a few more pre-picked baskets and call it a day... so we did. brought them home and jammed it up! it was my first experience making jam but when the recipe is "easy, no cook olillaberry jam" its pretty hard to go wrong. toast up a little whole wheat, seedy bread and toss on a little jam and butter and your good to goooo!
oh and if you want to try a jar, just holler!

June 12, 2009

buena vista 402. i miss you.

today i moved out of my apartment and back home for the summer... its not so much the moving back home that gets me, its missing my girls. i love my mewy, abs, and rach so much and i will miss them tremendously over summer! i would trade my whole college freshman year for just oneeeeeeee single day with my roomies because honestly they are, hands down, the most positive and fun people ever... there my family and i love them! heres a few little memories from the past year...

i love you mewy, abs, and rach! you always keep me smiling girls!

June 5, 2009

tom, t-tom, tom, toms!

OBSESSED! okay so i am sooo fortunate because i have been given the opportunity to be the TOMS campus representative for Cal Poly! i am in the beginning stage of starting the fundraising and awareness program to empower people to purchase TOMS shoes because for every pair that you purchase TOMS gives a pair to a child in a third-world-country! ONE FOR ONE! ill keep you posted on our fundraising events as we go and hopefully you can come join! guess what? even jomamas/nekkid the coffee shop and spa on front street sells them now too! yay for supporting ethical consumerism! point and case... this is probably what you should buy with your next paycheck. great idea em!

June 2, 2009

Welcome to Front Street!

id like to consider myself as the angel on front st. lord only knows im not your graceful, angelic, little halo girl but in the sense of watching over and caring for i think ive got that down-pat. i come here in avila beach to front st. to watch over the world and enjoy the small pleasures in life!

front st. is my haven and my source of comfort, ideas, and plans. i get to do it all there... enjoy a big green mug full of some steaming foamy coffee drink with a side of fresh baked cinnamon roll or quiche, a stash of books and journals of plans, with those great colorful pens that we all know i love to organize, and hours and hours of ocean waves and yes say it.... time to think about all the things that i aspire to accomplish! exotic travels, fabulous recipes, suzy-homemaker crafts, outdoor adventures, and of course changing the world one third-world-country at a time!

im ambitious. i want to do it all, see it all, fix it all, learn it all, and die a happy, old, healthy woman. im as stubborn as it comes and i think that perseverance and an open mind is all you really need in life. ill be a hardworking daddys girl until the day i die and im driven by my passion to serve. anyways thats me in a nutshell. theyll be lots more to come but it is my intention to use this blog as a little record of a few passions, plans, and pleasure that i like to enjoy all from the inspirations that i get from my front st. mornings!