December 4, 2013


there is something incredibly humanizing about my past year.
i think that i have come a lot closer to understanding humanity and life and meaning.
my time in nursing clinical at a particularly incredible hospital and unit, has brought a whole new meaning to the word 'purpose.'
opportunity, is an understatement.
i think it is particularly pertinent during this time.
thanksgiving and the festive holiday season.
do you have a home?
someone to put as your emergency contact?
a mailing address?
family and friends?
belongings to call your own?

my sweet, sweet patients may not have any of the above but they have an incredible amount of humanity.
poor in possession, rich in life.
a true lesson on daily gratitude. i am so very thankful for the life lessons that my patients have taught me in the most subtle of ways. never take a day for granted.  

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