today was a 'me' day.
i got to sleep in late.
go to linnaea's for breakfast with dad. complete with rice pudding. yum.
picked up lunch at sally loo's and ran errands for mom.
shopped around rainy slo for myself. yeee.
swung by paper sky for all the goods to make some spring brunch invitations.
took a little nap. on the couch with warm blankies.
moseyed around blogs, life inspiration ideas, grad school sites, and recipes.
made a great veggie quiche and crisp salad for dinner with the 'rentals.
browsed 'b and n' tonight and grabbed a book and some guilty pleasure magazines.
off to bed soon with a cup of my favorite mint tea.
rested, replenished, and rawrrring to go for spring quarter.
goodnight friends.
have a great night and entertain the idea of a 'me' day.
they really are great and needed.

p.s. 'me' days are always the start of a travel plan... summer 2011 i think you may need an adventure!
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