May 13, 2013

currently reading.

loving these two little guys right now.
not your most uplifting books but they are so great.
i'm not one for super flowery language and poetry but emily rapps writing is incredible.

although i am not quite done, i would highly reccommend.

May 10, 2013

news now.

the addition of a tv in close proximity to my bed has thoroughly propelled my love for news and fascination with keeping up to date on the happenings in medicine, community health, and unfortunately all the tragedies that are happening around the world right now
(kidnappings, bombings, foreign affairs, homicides- really world, really?).
a few of my favorite sources, in addition to television coverage and occasional newspaper pick-up.

the new yorker (fave source for lay-person medical articles)

cnn (iphone app)

the every girl ('in the know' series)

the new york times (duh)

and near and dear to my heart is this story {(1) & (2)}, making headline news in the bay area this week.
this sweet man was my very first patient as a student nurse.
he was a well loved, humble homeless man that was struck last year by a hit-and-run driver suffering a traumatic brain and spinal injury resulting in paralization and absence of speech.
the community in north beach and his family back home raised over seventeen-thousand dollars to airlift him with a nurse back home to be with his family during his recovery.

see there is a little hope out there.
happy friday friends!

May 8, 2013

nursing the nation.

happy national nurse appreciation week!
please watch this.
so proud that i will one day be a nurse.
in not so long- this time next year!

monthly foodie.

my mouth is watering.
i want to make all of these things SO BAD.
check out my pinterest 'food and drink' page to link to all of the recipes.

May 6, 2013

pursuit of happiness.

on a daily basis here in the city,
(san francisco to be exact)
i find such happiness.

my career seems to be coming together,
my living situation is the best,
my opportunities seem endless,
my creative desires are being met,
my social tendencies are perfectly provided for,
and this city is the mecca of all that is fun for the twenty-something.
(the only really BIG thing missing is the boy. 
none-the-less, i continue to remain blissfully in love with him from 400 miles away.)

in my consistent pursuit of happiness and contentment, i have found three things that i absolutely love.
farmers marketing.
three simple, fairly inexpensive, and refreshing ways to celebrate the everyday.

i highly suggest adding these local adventures to your weekly routine.
what makes you the happiest everyday?

May 3, 2013

May 1, 2013


i know i have mentioned my slight obsession with the sf based 'chronicle books' before. and when i say slightly obsessed, i mean i can easily spend hours in there and someday i hope my book shelves and coffee tables are covered in their books. that kinda of 'slight.'

anyway, my parents came up to sf last weekend and spoiled, no treated me to several days of deep indulgence. we went to chronicle and i chose this little jem.

it's a sweet journal to document quotes with their author and date, in divided sections depending on their origin. and it has beautiful paper, lettering, and random quotes sprinkled throughout. needless-to-say, i am majorly in love with this quotey thing. (you know me and my love of quotes).

it will be a great substitution to my random pieces of paper shoved in a junky journal. 

happy quoting my loves!