today is the two week mark since the boston bombings.
for some reason, the boston bombings hit me harder than any of the other large terrorist events in my life so far.
maybe it was because of my age,
my current big city independence,
recent attendance at the slo marathon with many close people participating,
my previous admiration for with mass general hospital and it's staff,
or position as a budding nurse that can't help but imagine what that would have been like if i was a nurse there.
whatever it was, it's been on my mind and i have thoroughly been invested in the news follow-up.
so i just have to share these.
stay strong boston.
you will not soon be forgotten.
i can't wait to come see you someday.
::: if you are at all inclined, here is an article (why boston hospitals were ready) that i absolutely love from one of my favorite medical writers, atul gawande:::
::: if you are at all inclined, here is an article (why boston hospitals were ready) that i absolutely love from one of my favorite medical writers, atul gawande:::