March 29, 2013

on the agenda.

home for easter weekend.

celebrating with an egg dying, chocolate eating double date with my b and (hopefully) future brother-and-sister in law;)
time with my seester.
hot tubbing.
homework, laundry, coffee on the couch, and family time.
easter brunch with all of the family.

happy easter my loves!

March 27, 2013


i would consider myself a passionate person.
i can be the most stubborn, tenacious, and persistent person when were dealing with something that i am passionate about and i have recently been introduced to a whole new level of
'emily wants to save the worlds children/ travel bug/ be a strong female/ make a change'
type of thing.

the other day, i attended a lecture on human trafficking,
(usf puts on the most incredible speaker series and guest lecturing)
primarily women and children,
both for labor and sex,
domestically and internationally.

get your attention?
i would strongly urge you to take some time and check out this organization.
get involved, buy an item to support, or better yet read the book and become informed on todays trafficking state.
it's the number two most common criminal act in the world today.
crazy, right?

the organization and its staff were incredible, smart, diligent, and empowering.
it's worth you're time. for sure.

March 22, 2013

March 6, 2013


springtime foodie inspiration.
crisp, fresh, and delicious.
ideal lunch salad.
grown-up grilled cheese.
sesame soba noodles.
blood orange margarita.
shredded brussel sprout crostini.
blood orange and bourbon cocktail.
sweet potato and black bean tacos.
lemon poppyseed tart.
heirloom apply salad.

wanting to try these bad boys in the near future.

March 1, 2013

on the agenda.

this weekend.
its all about me.
magazine reading, 
long marina walks,
gym time, 
lattes in my cozy dinette nook, 
friend time,
and sleeping in.

happy, happy weekend friends!