February 28, 2013


a little springtime wardrobe inspiration to cheer you up and get you ready for some of this warmer weather-
even here in san francisco!
(all images via my pinterest)

saving up for some goodies, making outfits from my pre-existing closet, and maybe a little mom-and-daughter day in the future...

February 27, 2013

she moved.

don't mind that little minor (well maybe not so minor) blog break.
i moved!
moved in with my bestie- miss mia.
we live in tiniest, cutest, coziest little studio in the middle of all-that-is-fun san francisco!
so that's where i have been.
but hello again, i am back after a few too many 'its been 15 days' texts from my sister in regards to blogging. 

hope you are having a great day!

February 4, 2013


it's my new thing, 
along with every other 'new year, new you, wanna be hip, 20 something female' in america.
but it love it and even without a fancy vitamix (ah someday!) 
i have been making the most delicious smoothies and juices.
try these. they are super yummy.

i also love...
kale + blueberry + pineapple + almond milk.
mango + coconut water + pineapple + pomegranate seeds.

mmm, refreshing!

February 1, 2013

on the agenda.

cross your fingers...
i am hoping to recieve the confirming phone call today saying that i have the cutest little apartment with mewy.

{EDIT: we got the apartment- hooray!!! but we move in next weekend so a little more time to spread out the craziness}

if thats the case, the agenda is going to be a little crazy.
superbowl- go 49ers!
prelabbing for a 13 hour clinical on monday (exhausting).
missing b.
boat loads of homework.
and i'm getting sick (but i don't have time for that so were ignoring that for now).

ready. set. go.