January 31, 2013

pedi nursing.

my most anticipated college course thus far is finally here.
i am seriously already in love and i haven't even spent a day in the hospital.
i am sure that you will be hearing lots from me about peds on this fine little embitions 
because it's my dream to work as a nurse in pediatric neurology.
pediatric icu, see you tomorrow.

we walked into orientation and our desks had these little surprises awaiting our arrival
(only in peds would your teacher give you stickers and blowfish toys for painful procedure distraction).
our first assignment was to create an art piece of one of our most vivid childhood memories and explain a bunch of developmental stuff on the back so i decided to paint 
'sunday afternoons comprised of splitting dr. pepper and gardening with dad'.
we studied pediatric med calculations, fluid dosing, and iv administration,
and i decided that even that is cuter when you know its for peds.
plus, i get to wear colored scrubs... omg.

i (heart) pediatric nursing so darn much.

January 30, 2013

b + w inspiration.

simple truth. i dig it a whole lot.
check out here too.
it's right on.

January 29, 2013


gimme your top five favorite books of all time.

i so graciously received a kindle from my secret santa (best cousin ever) this christmas 
and have recently dove back into pleasure reading after a much too long hiatus.
i have read a total guilty pleasure, a medical one, and a fiction book so far.
i would love to know your top books and current faves.
comment below and let me know.
i can't wait to hear from you.

someday i really, really want to start a book club.

also, check out this awesome book that i got my mom for christmas.
famous peoples top ten lists with beautiful bookshelf watercolors.
the perfect 'coffee table book'.

January 28, 2013

life is good.

i know other bloggers struggle with portraying only the glamorous, cute, frilly side of life
but not me, not today.
i am fortunate.

life is good.
everything is falling into place and i am...

classes are great and challenging,
san francisco is seriously feeling like my second home and i love it,
b is a sweet as can be,
my family is awesome as always,
i need for nothing and want for very little in my spoiled little world,
nursing is the best and being in a neuro icu and pediatrics is even better,
jobs and connections seem to be falling into place,
my nursing girls and college besties are so hilarious and supportive,
and as of this week i may be a new renter in the cutest of city places.

life is good.
so very good.

don't get me wrong, we all have our struggles and down times but today is a happy, happy day.

January 25, 2013

on the agenda.

this weekend is a 
'get your booty in gear/ you will make it through this semester/ organize your life em'
kind of weekend.
apartment hunting.
reading and home working.
time with my mewy.
coffee drinking.
cozy dinner with friends.

that's all folks.
what's on your weekend to-do list?

January 24, 2013

bread me, please.

i'm a super sucker for homemade bread.
actually, to be completely honest- one of my favorite babysitting families makes homemade bread all the time and it's one of the main reasons i love babysitting for them (also i love the children a ton).

fruit and veggie based breads are the best.
all warm and soft with butter, jam, or a slice of cheddar cheese.
i have tried a few of these and LOVE them and the others are on my radar for the coming weeks.

you're mouth is watering, huh?
i knew it.


January 23, 2013


hump day inspiration.
two sweet nothings that i am loving these days.

p.s. only two more days.
p.s.s. aren't quotes the best little pick-me-ups?

January 22, 2013


She did not need much, wanted very little. 
A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, 
sheltering arms, a cozy bed, and to love and be loved in return. 

- Starra Neely Blade

January 21, 2013

dads garden girl.

i've been trying to earn/inherit my dads green thumb.
someday i want a garden with a greenhouse, straight rows, raised beds, grafting, and year-round you-pick for all my family and friends just like his. 
in efforts to learn the tricks of the trade and earn my stripes, i spent a good amount of time with him.
i also planted a sweet rosemary and spearmint pot for my apartment deck
(to roast with my veggies and put in my water, respectively).

i seriously love nurseries, dirt, fresh veggies, and sunny garden days at home.
nothing better than rosemary smelling hands, dirt between your toes, fresh carrots in your belly, and hose water to freeze your dirty hands.
and this my friends... is as green as it gets.
hello there little guy.

p.s. if you are my instagram friend you would have seen #dirtygirl #gardennerd under a few of these pictures.
sorry i'm not sorry about it

January 17, 2013

nerdy reading.

if you are on the market for a new good read and you love a little hospital talk,
i have just the thing for you.
read all three and love them all.

true stories from doctors and nurses as they face life, death, the first years, crucial conversations, and much more.

happy reading!

January 10, 2013

from us, to you.

happy new year from the palmer family!
coming a little late but i thought i should show off my family a bit on here.
hope your week is going well- one more day!

January 9, 2013

new year + new you inspiration.

for all of you that are striving to eat healthier + get skinnier + cook more in the new year,
here are a few of my favorite healthy + hearty + wholesome cookbooks.
seriously, pick them up at the bookstore and make the goodies.

honestly delicious.

January 8, 2013


to catch you up to speed on the last few weeks.
some snapshots.
woah nelly.
parties, dinners, christmas, new years, trips, adventures, family, and friends.
and oh so fun.

January 7, 2013

welcome 2013.

hello everyone.
and welcome 2013!

it's been a fun, busy, festive, and filling last few weeks.
sorry for the minor break in blogging but i am back in full force.

this year i resolve to...
improve my terrible posture.
work out a minimum of three days a week.
perfect homemade bagels and lemon poppyseed muffins.
graduate with honors.
pass the nclex nursing exam the first time.
taste, explore, or walk bi-monthly in san francisco for a new adventure.

what are you resolving to do?

January 2, 2013

it's been a while.

without mentioning it to you my poor readers,
i took a little blog break to celebrate the holidays with my family and friends. 
i will officially be back on in full force come next monday.

until then,
have a happy new year!


more on my resolutions, christmas, crafting, and happenings these past few weeks coming soon!