today was the perfect day for a morning stroll.
beautiful weather, no class until 1pm, and there's been a whole lot of this...
aka trying to get my life together...
resume writing, grad school searching, internship finding, additional certifications, job openings, classes situating, oh yea and that thing that you call 'college graduation' in less than four months?!?!
so anyhoot, i met my dad for breakfast at 'the breakfast buzz' then decided to take a walk instead of heading back to the apartment to do more planning, sleeping, eating, etc.
i walked to my moms office,
chatted a bit,
strolled around downtown,
grabbed an always delicious 'black horse coffee',
snapped some pictures here and there,
people watched,
then headed back to the apt in a round about way.
it was great and cleared my head a bit.
there's nothing like a little slo town morning walk.
everything's so peaceful, happy, and simple.
just what i needed.
i mean really, you gotta love the outdoor cafes,old people sipping coffee on a thursday morning at 1030am,
friendly people waving 'hello',
and the simple, safe, and clean feel of higuera st. and downtown slo.
to top it off, i get to come back to this apartment,
with this view,
and great roommates.
no wonder oprah says slo is the happiest town in the usa!
life's rough, huh?
enjoy your cold, cold thursday night or
maybe ill see you at farmers market tonight?